Hummingbirds Part 1

Back in August 2010 myself and my friend Mike of Nelmst Images took a 2 day workshop through Incredible Travel Photos by Oliver Klink to learn about and photograph hummingbirds. I've taken a few workshops over the years and this one has to have been the best. Oliver's teaching style was very laid back and informative. Sadly this workshop is no longer available, if it was I would take it again and again as it gave great access to 100's of hummingbirds. 

Click on images to enlarge.


On a day too hot to go out and really enjoy the wonders of nature in person and still harboring a desire to capture a few photos of that beauty what can you do? Well that is easy bring the nature inside and do a little experimenting with focus stacking and lighting of flowers. Here are two of of my attempts at focus stacking and one that I just kind of liked. 

Click to enlarge images.

July 2012 Photo Walk

Here are a few images from one of the many photo walks I did through San Francisco's Financial District. As I explore my archives of photos, I have come to realize that I need to start doing walks through a few new areas in the city. Fortunately that shouldn't be a problem as there are many great areas to walk through. 

Click on images to enlarge.

Muir Woods

These are from a recent visit to Muir Woods a beautiful forest redwood forest. 


Click to enlarge images.

Experimenting & Improving

The other night I was just working with a different way of lighting my drops. I also played with my drop size and a bit of color in the catch bowl. I kind of like the results and feel they are starting to look a little better. Here are 5 of the shots I captured. 


I spent the other day hanging out with some friends, taking photos of some sunflower fields. Here are a few of my favorites. 

Click on images to Enlarge.

Fort Point National Historical Site

Tucked away on the south end of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California you will find a California Historical Landmark, Fort Point. In this great city there are a great number of wonderful landmarks and other exciting photographic photo opportunities. Many I haven't even explored myself as yet, still this particular site has me coming back again and again. I have captured many images, good and bad, of this old fort over the years and I still haven't found that image, that moment in time, that says to me that I have captured the soul of this place. Fort point is full of history, arches, shadows, repeating patterns and textures that often leaves me a little overwhelmed. If you are going to be in San Francisco and are planning a visit the Golden Gate Bridge this is one destination that's worth a visit also. You have a great view of the Golden Gate Bridge and if you are looking for some great photos you will find more than a few here. Below are some of my most recent shots; sadly it has been nearly three years since I last visited the fort. I guess it may be time for me to make another visit some time in the near future. Maybe I'll get lucky and get a few clouds too.


Click on images to enlarge.

Water Drops

Tonight I spent the evening working on a few water drop photos. Here are some of the results.  I hope you enjoy these images.


Click on images to enlarge.


Welcome to my revamped webpage. To my past visitors, thank you for returning and I hope you will find this new layout more pleasing and an over all cleaner look. To my new visitors, I hope you will return often and enjoy the images I share with you. I will be working hard to keep the page updated and to show off new and old photos alike. On that note I was combing though my archives this morning searching for a a few images and I came across these photos of hand-carved wooden masks. These masks were just a small piece of my great uncle's collection. Sadly I don't know much about them, other than he had collected them during the course of his travels around the world.